
These topics explore protocol and procedures consented to in the establishment of a BDSM power exchange and authority transfer dynamic or relationship.

Protocol within dynamics may be clearly defined or have more fluidity. Protocol can be inspired by other representations of power exchange and authority transfer, or can be practical in purpose. They can exist within a manual or set of guidelines, but they don’t have to be. They don’t even have to exist at all.

Defining needs and desires with protocols and procedures in a dynamic is imperative. As is establishing intentionality and purpose behind them – regardless of what side of the slash you’re on.

April 15, 2025
8:00 pm
Using a kink dynamic as a proverbial airplane, there are checks that can be done at certain intervals to assess the condition of the dynamic. Just as an aircraft needs maintenance, a dynamic needs occasional maintenance as well. There are...

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April 15, 2025
8:00 pm
Using a kink dynamic as a proverbial airplane, there are checks that can be done at certain intervals to assess the condition of the dynamic. Just as an aircraft needs maintenance, a dynamic needs occasional maintenance as well. There are...

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