Community Events

Community Events are unaffiliated with SADE. That is to say, unless otherwise specified. We find events hosted by groups that share our values, and seek to help promote their education initiatives.

Community is a key element to BDSM, kink, and alternative sexuality. Often, in the face of discrimination, it can be validating to attend events and be around like-minded people. This is particularly true within the LGBTQIA+ community, where family of choice often substituted for family of origin.

Community events can be local or international, virtual or in-person. They can be singular classes, reoccurring events, or conferences. Our primary objective is promoting dynamic-focused education.

October 16, 2024
8:00 pm
The Dominant role in a dynamic is usually perceived as one who is put together, confident, and social. However, many people on the left side of the slash suffer from mental health conditions that make fitting this perception difficult. Leading...
November 16, 2024
2:00 pm
Past traumas can have a profound effect on authority-based relationships. Triggers can arise at any time that place a strain on core elements of relationships in ways that may defy formal contracts, protocols, and/or negotiated boundaries. In this interactive presentation...
December 14, 2024
2:00 pm
Many of the more common rules and protocols in power exchange exist because of tradition. What do you do if tradition for tradition’s sake just doesn’t resonate with you? Instead of struggling to accept something that doesn’t make sense for...

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November 16, 2024
2:00 pm
Past traumas can have a profound effect on authority-based relationships. Triggers can arise at any time that place a strain on core elements of relationships in ways that may defy formal contracts, protocols, and/or negotiated boundaries. In this interactive presentation...

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